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Site platform offered an opportunity to Yorkshire-based artists to use the gallery space to undertake explorative, cumulative, interactive, performative, experimental, in-progress or durational work. Creating a space where new ideas or processes could be tested and related to an audience through timed events or by an ongoing schedule throughout the week.

Duncan Higgins
15-18 November

Unloud is part fact, part fiction, part love story, part ghost story, almost a painted film, a sort of reportage or perhaps the truth even if it never happened. the presented work and process is an exploration of interwoven and imaginative narratives that aims to construct an indeterminate space between real and imagined that temporarily suspends us between those two poles. a changing combination of up to 1000 small paintings, 25 one hour video pieces snown via projection, screen and monitors, images and texts.

Michael Graham
22 November – 2 December
Ambivalent Processes

Ambivalent Processes involves three installations concerned with how technology might be approached conceptually as a found idea. Three works: Weak Lines, Blemishes and Passing are conceived as processes enacted over the course of the exhibition to consider how repeated actions might adopt metaphoric meanings.

Hester Reeve
6-9 December
The Applause

Hester Reeve improvised physical, live art works to camera in a specially created environment shut off in the main gallery space. The audience accessed daily recorded or live feed performances for video camera in the side gallery via large screenings. The performance involved the ‘undoing’ of a philsophical text by reading it out backwards, sentence by sentence, accompanying each ‘foreign sounding ex-citation’ with a physical gesture, each gesture building upon the other.

Evangalia Baskedis
14 December
I Trust You

A one-day performance in which the artist embroidered cultural icons (such as Mickey Mouse or the Mona Lisa) on her foot, the process of which is projected large on the gallery wall. The performance is the artist’s desperate attempt to articulate about art, life, politics, and looking for her role in contemporary society whilst also being a parody of the ‘transgressive’ artist’ who tries to overstep the limits, to violate the boundaries.

Throughout the Site Platform the gallery projection window was occupied by the duo Webster Gotts.

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