In July the gallery piloted an intensive two week apprenticeship for 14 – 17 year olds as a vocational extension of the Site Young Apprentice Scheme [SYAS]. The pilot offered a practical insight into careers in the contemporary art sector through a range of exciting assignments, artists’ talks and visits.
Apprentices developed creative, media and workplace skills in a ‘real work’ style environment and led their own creative projects while working towards an Arts Award qualification and gaining a written reference outlining their achievements. They also kept a journal of their experiences which can be viewed through the placement blogs.
“This was a really great experience which I would recommend to any creative young person. It really inspires you into thinking about a creative career. I now know there are so many creative pathways available to me and I learnt a lot more about what I can achieve in work rather than school”. Josh Fogg
“I think the most important thing I had to do was leading my own creative assignment as it enable me be an independently artist and set myself goals. I also had to learn to use my time productively and be organized”. Harriet Williams
May – July 2010
Part of Site Gallery’s Education Programme
Related Links
Site Gallery Work Placement blog
Short film documenting the SYAS two week apprenticeship [coming soon]