Come along to our special Shopping Nights and Shopping Saturdays to fill up your stockings with inspiring creative gifts this Christmas – take your pick from Site Gallery’s artists’ prints, children’s books, cards and gift wrap, guides to creative making and much more.
Pop-up shops and displays by Sheffield based designers and artists will fill our public spaces and windows, as part of Creative Christmas Shopping, Days & Nights.
Get the map and find your way around all the FREE Creative Christmas Shopping events in galleries across the city.
Next event: Saturday 13 December, 11 – 5.30pm
Other participating venues:
Site Gallery
Made North
APG Works
99 Mary Street
B&B Gallery
Bloc Projects
Exchange Place Studios, Yorkshire Artspace
Millennium Gallery (Saturdays only)
S1 Artspace (Saturdays only)
Creative Christmas Shopping Nights:
Thursday 20 November, 5.30 – 8.00pm
Thursday 4 December, 5.30 – 8.00pm
Site Gallery stays open late as part of Creative Christmas Shopping, Days & Nights across Sheffield. Warm up with mulled cider, mince pies, live music and DJs. Explore our Christmas shelves of beautiful gift ideas and pop-up shops featuring work by Sheffield artists and designers. Join in with our creative workshops, such as ‘Make your own paper-craft ‘Happy Christmas Tree‘ led by Studio Binky on Thursday 4 December. Site Cafe also has a range of Sheffield-inspired food and drink hampers.
Creative Christmas Shopping Saturdays:
Saturday 29 November, 11 – 5.30pm
Saturday 13 December, 11 – 5.30pm
Our Shopping Saturdays offer drop-in creative workshops suitable for all ages alongside pop-up shops showcasing an array of gifts from Sheffield artists and designers. Have a go at making your own handmade cards and decorations to take home, enjoy live music courtesy of Sheffield musicians and singers. Site Cafe will be making delicious winter warmers from spicy lattes to festive pastries, and Sheffield-inspired food and drink hampers are available – perfect for food-lovers.