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“Land Yachting” and Mobile Homes: Mike Kelley’s Mobile Homestead in Context

Wednesday 12 June, 6 – 7pm

Talk by Professor Gill Perry, followed by a conversation with Site’s Artistic Director Laura Sillars

Gill Perry will explore the particularities and peculiarities of Mike Kelley’s return to his childhood home in Detroit, as depicted in his Mobile Homestead Videos.

Gill Perry is Professor of Art History at the Open University, her forthcoming book Playing at Home: The House in Contemporary Art (Reaktion, 2013) explores the themes of the house and home in recent and contemporary art, focusing on installation art and film.

In 2010, Laura Sillars worked in Detroit with Mike Kelley and Executive Producer James Lingwood of Artangel over four months, as Location

Producer on the project.

Free, booking recommended

Mobile Homestead Videos is a Site Gallery exhibition in collaboration with Artangel featuring three videos made in Detroit by Mike Kelley (1954 – 2012) as a key part of his last work.

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