Everyday Situations That Pertain To Fan Pages is a project that was devised and led by young apprentice Joshua Fogg during a two week intensive arts apprenticeship at Site Gallery. As a keen social-networker and word lover, Josh started by playing around with ideas concerning how we connect and communicate online. A trend rife amongst his generation for joining [or ‘liking’] Facebook fan pages, [that, as one group actually points out through its title, ‘pertain to everyday situations’] was something he was particularly intrigued by.
The groups, which detail routine and often mundane human behaviour, have become a humorous and quirky way to make social connections through habits and aspects of our personalities that we might not otherwise share with people face to face. Once ‘liked’, a group title acts as a kind of attribute to a person’s online profile rather than a page to network through. Many young Facebookers are members of hundreds of these groups and the more fans a page has, the more credible they often become.
Having chosen the challenge of improving his photography skills within his apprenticeship, Josh decided to create a set of images that took some of the most popular of these fan page titles – researched and chosen by himself and his apprentice team and printed onto small white cards – into everyday spaces to draw attention to our often hidden behaviours and thoughts.
Everyday Situations That Pertain To Fan Pages and three other creative assignments undertaken by Josh during his apprenticeship will be entered for a Bronze Arts Award in autumn 2010. The Arts Award is a flexible, independent qualification set up by Trinity College London and the Arts Council England to support young people who want to deepen their engagement with the arts, build creative and leadership skills, and achieve a national qualification.
July 2010
Site Young Apprentice Scheme [SYAS] gives 14 to 21 year olds the opportunity to work more closely with the gallery on a variety of creative activities such as being part of the decision making process for commissioning new work.
In July 2010 the gallery piloted an intensive two week apprenticeship for eight young people [14 – 17] as a vocational extension of the SYAS. The pilot offered a practical insight into careers in the contemporary art sector through a range of exciting assignments and artists’ talks. Apprentices developed creative, media and workplace skills in a ‘real work’ style environment and led their own creative projects while working towards an Arts Award qualification and gaining a written reference outlining their achievements.
External Links
Everyday Situations slideshow
Everyday situations image gallery
Related blogs
Josh Fogg’s apprenticeship blog
Site Gallery work placement blog