The Jerwood Choreographic Research Project is now open for applications!
Do you have an amazing idea you would like to realise through movement?
Performance and live art is a central to our artistic programme at Site Gallery. We are taking part in this unique national investment scheme designed to stimulate and test new thinking in choreography. We are looking for ideas which aim to change the way choreography is thought about, who it is for and what it can do.
The scheme is open to artists/creatives working in any art form who are interested in open-ended research that they consider ‘choreographic’.
Contributors have identified some possible research ideas as relevant for the sector for the development of choreography:
- Formal concerns such as movement vocabulary development, new choreographic languages, composition
- Narrative experiments & storytelling forms
- Dramaturgy and structure
- Modes of engagement with audiences: participation and accessibility, interaction with active audiences
- Amateur and community practice used in professional frames
- New theatrical formats
- Forms of sociability & community building
- Politics / Society / Activism: work which explores urgent issues of society and agency
- Interest / collaboration with another discipline
- Performance and the role of dancers / performers
- Curation and the role of the choreographer
Deadline for applications is 19 October, 2016.
JCHP is a National Dance Network initiative, led and delivered by the Birmingham-based DanceXchange.